CSIR NBRI is conducting walk in interview for the following positions available. Read the complete notification and find the advertisement and application form below.

Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW No. 11/Project/2021
Eligible & interested candidates are invited for interview for the purely temporary positions in the following area under the sponsored projects tenable at CSIR-NBRI
HRA will be admissible as per the sanction of the projects.
- The Application form will be provided at the venue on the date. However, candidates may download the application form in advance from the website www.nbri.res.in. At the time of the interview, candidates should bring one latest photograph, original documents along with a self-attested copy of certificates of examinations passed (starting from matriculation), a certificate indicating date of birth, caste certificate (in case of SC/ST/OBC) and experience certificate, etc. Tentative mark sheets/certificates and ‘result awaited’ will not be considered. All eligible candidates are requested to be present at the venue on the said date one hour before the scheduled time for necessary documents verification etc.
- Mode of Selection – Through Interview. However, if a large number of candidates turn up, a Screening test comprising of multiple choice objective questions may be held for shortlisting the candidates for interview. The shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by the Selection Committee and, based on their performance in the interview; a panel of recommended candidates will be formed. The panel shall be utilized as and when the requirement arises in the projects in the relevant field/area. Candidates have the option to interact in Hindi/English before the committee. In case of turning up of large no. of candidates, the interview may continue for the next day.
- The positions are purely temporary on a contract basis and co-terminus with the sponsored projects. Further, the above stipend(s) is tentative and the same will be finally decided based on the availability/provision of funds in the relevant sponsored projects.
- In the case of Universities/Institutes awarding CGPA/SGPA/OGPA grades etc., candidates are requested to convert the same into percentage based on the formula as per their
University/Institute. - In case of a large number of candidates turn up for the interview, there is a possibility that interviews may continue till late in the evening or the next day also. Therefore, candidates are requested to make their travel plans accordingly.
- To avoid any inconvenience, only those candidates who strictly fulfil the eligibility criteria and possess the degree/mark sheet in the aforesaid subjects should turn up for a walk-in-interview.
No TA/DA will be admissible.
Area – I – Plant Ecology and Environment Technologies
Name of the Post – Project Associate-I
No. of Posts – 01
Name of the Project – Development of rapid and cost effective ‘on farm’ diagnostics for plant viruses
Age Limit – 35 years
Essential Qualifications – M.Sc. in Biotechnology with CSIR/ UGC / ICAR / DBT -NET-JRF/ LS qualification or GATE
Desirable Qualifications –
- Minimum two years experience in the area of Plant Virology.
- Expertise in paper-based immunoassay diagnostics for rapid on-site virus diagnostics is preferable.
Essential Qualifications – For Project Associate-I
M.Sc. in Biotechnology
Stipend –
- Rs. 31000/- p.m. + HRA
- Rs. 25000/- p.m. + HRA
Area – II – Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry and Product Development
Name of the Post – Project Associate-I
No. of Posts – 01
Name of the Project – Preparation of Certified Reference Material of important phytomolecules (MLP0052)
Age Limit – 35 years
Essential Qualifications – M.Sc. in Botany/Plant Science / Biochemistry / Life Science / Biotechnology with CSIR/ UGC / ICAR / DBT -NET JRF/ LS qualification or GATE along with
R&D experience in the relevant area.
Essential Qualifications – For Project Associate-I
M.Sc. in one of the above subjects.
Stipend –
- Rs. 31000/- p.m. + HRA
- Rs. 25000/- p.m. + HRA
Area – III – S&T Management
Name of the Post – Project Associate-I
No. of Posts – 01
Name of the Project – CSIR Jigyasa 2 Virtual Laboratory Integration Project (First Tranche) (HCP-0101)
Age Limit – 35 years
Essential Qualifications – M.Sc. in Biochemistry /Biotechnology / Life Sciences / Biological Sciences.
Stipend – Rs. 25000/- p.m. + HRA
Area – IV – Botanical Garden, Plant Conservation and Agrotechnologies
Name of the Post – Project Associate-II
No. of Posts – 03
Name of the Project – CSIR Floriculture Mission (HCP-0037)
Age Limit – 35 years
Essential Qualifications – M.Sc. in Botany/Plant Science / Biochemistry / Life Science / Biotechnology with CSIR/ UGC / ICAR / DBT -NET- JRF/ LS qualification or GATE alongwith 02 year R&D experience in the relevant area.
Desirable Qualifications – Research or extension work related to Floriculture Floriculture / Horticulture crops, their conservation and propagation or in essential oil or secondary
metabolites and value added products.
Essential Qualifications – For Project Associate-II
M.Sc. in one of the above subjects along with two years of R&D experience in the relevant areas.
Stipend –
- Rs. 35000/- p.m. + HRA
- Rs. 28000/- p.m. + HRA
Age – Age is relaxable for the above position as per Government of India/CSIR instructions.
Date & Venue of Interview –
- Area – I: 30.11.2021
- Area – II: 01.12.2021
- Area- III: 02.12.2021
- Area – IV: 03.12.2021
- Time – 11:00 AM;
- Venue – K.N. Kaul Block, CSIR-NBRI, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow
For more:- https://nbri.res.in/project-positions/