GBU, Gujarat Biotechnology University is hiring for the post of Project Associate for the post as mentioned below:-
Near Gujarat International Finance Tec-City,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382355
File No. GBU/Adm/e-file/265/2023/0886/Admin Date: 16-12-2023
Advertisement for the post of Senior Project Associate

Applications are invited for the post of Senior Project Associate to actively work on the project entitled “Sepsis-related mortality in neonates in India: A multi-disciplinary, multiinstitutional research program for context-specific solutions” funded by Department of Biotechnology at Gujarat Biotechnology University (GBU). The post is purely temporary and co-terminates with project. Details of qualifications, emolument and duration of the project:
Department: Medical Biotechnology
Project: Sepsis-related mortality in neonates in India: A multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional research program for context-specific solutions: An apatmer-based approach to expedite accurate diagnosis of bacterial and fungal sepsis in neonates
PI : Dr. Tarun Kumar Sharma, Associate Professor and HOD
Senior Project Associate
Qualification and experience MSc in any branch of biological sciences from any reputed university with at least 4 years of research experience in Academia or in Industry or PhD in any branch of biological sciences from any reputed university.
Desirable Qualification/ ExperienceExerience in: Microbiology, MolecularBiology, Cloning, expression and purification of proteins, Drug Discovery/ assay development/ /Protein Purification/ Aptamer technology/ and Project report prepration and Laboratory management skills
Age Limit: Up to 40 years on closing date of advertisement
Project Duration: Till the end of the project: (subject to satisfactory performance) INR 42,000+HRA
Technical Assistant Cum-Field worker
BSc in any branch of biological sciences from any reputed university.
Preferable: Candiadte having experience of working in research institute, diagnostic company or diagnostic lab.
Exerience in: Microbiology and Molecular Biology
Candidates interested to apply for the above position are required to submit their CV to and
Last date of receiving application: 31-12-2023