Applications are invited by VIT Vellore for the post of JRF in a funded project by Department of Science and Technology, Technology Development and Transfer. Read the complete notification below before applying for the post
Applications are invited for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF: 1 nos) and Project Assistant (PA: 1 nos.) for DST-Technology Development Transfer (Project No.:TDP/BDTD/66/2021 (G)/2, dt. 28-06-2023,in the CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre), Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore-632014, Tamilnadu. Web:
Title of the Project:- Concerted approach to diagnose and manage anaemia through development of cost-effective point-of-care devices
Qualifications :Post-1 (JRF): Qualification-Post Graduate (M.Sc) Degree in Chemistry/Biology/Biochemistry/Microbiology without or with NET/GATE qualification

Stipend: Rs.31,000 /- per month + HRA for 12 months (consolidated) for both JRF and PA. After the period, the candidates will be considered for PhD program in their respective degrees under VIT Research Fellowship, Rs 31,000/- (for total 3 years).
Sponsoring Agency :Department of Science and Technology, Technology Development and Transfer
Duration: 12 months
Principal Investigator: Dr Annamalai Senthil Kumar, Professor, Nano and Bioelectrochemistry Research Laboratory, CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre, VIT, Vellore, Tamil Nadu-632014
Emails : &
Co-Investigator : Dr J. Kathirvelan, Associate Professor, Department of Sensor and Biomedical Technology, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT, Vellore, Tamil Nadu-632014. Email:
Send your resume along with relevant documents pertaining to the details of qualifications, experience and latest passport size photo etc. on or before 30-07-2023 through online
- No TA and DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.
- Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview (preferably by on-line mode) later which will be intimated by email