ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive and Child Health is inviting applications for the post of Senior Project Associate as per the details given below. Read the complete notification before applying
ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive and Child Health
(Indian Council of Medical Research)
Jehangir Merwanji Street, Parel,
Mumbai 400012
Advertisement No. ICMR-NIRRCH/PROJ./VP/244/2020

Walk-in interview will be conducted on 19th December 2023 for the following vacancy under Non-Institutional ad-hoc project to be held at ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive & Child Health, J.M. Street, Parel, Mumbai 400012 (Time: 11.00 AM to 01.00 PM).
Reporting Time: 10.15 AM.
Title of Project: “Developing broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibody mediated prevention and treatment strategy by assessing their effectiveness in neutralizing HIV‐1 subtype C circulating in India across different regions and distinct risk groups” funded by DBT / Wellcome Trust India Alliance [Project Tenure: 2 Years].
Senior Project Associate Rs.42,000/- plus HRA as applicable
(i) Master’s Degree in Natural or Agricultural Sciences / MVSc or bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent; and (ii) Four years’ experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific activities and services.
Doctoral degree in Science / Engineering / Technology / Pharma / MD / MS from a recognized University or equivalent.
(i) With extensive & demonstrated experience in working with HIV infected primary samples; and (ii) Expertise in multiparametric FACS, immune monitoring and molecular biology techniques including PCR, RT-PCR and Deep sequencing