CCMB Hyderabad is inviting applications from the eligible Indian National for temporary position(s) in various different areas as per the details provided below. Read the complete notification before applying
Uppal Road, Habsiguda, Hyderabd 500 007 Telangana
Notification Number: 0124/A Date: 11.01.2024
Applications are invited from the eligible Indian National for temporary position(s) on contractual basis as indicated hereunder. Candidates who fulfill the criteria should apply online at For any technical problem while submitting the online application, may contact
Last date to submit application through online:21st January 2024
I) Name of Post: Research Associate-I
Total Number of positions: 1
Upper Age limit (years): 40
Monthly Emoluments: 47,000/- + HRA
Area – Cell Biology and Infectious Diseases
Project Understanding the role of type 1 interferon response in SARS-CoV2 infection using transgenic mice models
Essential Qualification PhD in Life sciences from a recognized University or equivalent
Desirable / Job description Experience in handling mice, experience in molecular biology, cell biology, and virology. Atleast one first author paper in reputed journal in relevant area.
Name of the PI Dr. Santosh Chauhan
Duration of the project 12.11.2026
II) Name of Post: Project Research Scientist- I
Total Number of positions: 1
Essential Qualification:
First Class Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG degrees 2. Second Class Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG degrees with PhD
Upper Age limit (years): 35 Monthly
Emoluments: 56,000/- + HRA
Area – Cell Biology/ Proteomics
ICMR Adhoc Research proposal entitled “Multifaceted screening for small molecules towards therapeutics of Lewy Body Dementia”
Desirable / Job description A demonstrable track record of successful implementation/ execution of a project in any or multiple of the following fields:
Cell biology, proteomics, amyloid biology, αSynuclein biology, protein chemistry, cellular biochemistry Experience in one or more of these techniques: mammalian cell culture, primary neuron culture, iPSC culture, confocal microscopy, mouse handling, mouse surgery, protein biochemistry will be considered favorably Track record must be proven either with high impact publications in SCI-indexed journals or a certificate from the organization to which the candidate contributed earlier.
Name of the PI Dr. Swasti Raychaudhuri
Duration of the project December 31, 2026

III) Name of Post: Senior Project Associate
Total Number of positions: 1
Essential Qualification: M.Sc in life Sciences from a recognized University AND Four years’ experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific activities and services
Upper Age limit (years):40
Monthly Emoluments: 42,000/- + HRA
Area – Ecology and Evolutionary biology
Project Drivers of woody plant diversity, assembly, and diversification patterns in the Western Ghats, India
Desirable / Job description Experience in Plant evolutionary biology
Name of the PI Dr. Jahnavi Joshi
Duration of the project January 31, 2026