IIT Guwahati is inviting applications for the post of JRF and Project Assistant as per the schedule and details below. Read the complete notification before applying for the post:-
Applications are invited for an online interview for the following post(s) in the respective projects entitled “Establishing Efficient Platform for Genetic Engineering in Indian Tea” in the department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT Guwahati.

Project Staff Designation:- JRF (GATE)
Number of Vacancies:- 1
Pay Recommended (Rs.):- 31000
HRA Required (Rs.):- Rs. 4960
Medical Required (Rs.):- 1250
Total Amount (Rs.):- 37210
Duration of Appointment in months:- 11
Post Graduate degree in Life Science/Biotechnology or Graduate/Post Graduate Degree in Allied subjects OR Graduate / Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course selected through a process described through any one of the following:
- Scholars selected through National Eligibility Test – CSIR- UGC NET Including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.
- The selection Process through National Level Exam conducted by CentraI Govt. Departments and their Agencies and institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOs, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IISc, IISCR etc. Candidates having hands on experience in in Plant Molecular Biology or Plant Virology will be given preference
Project Staff Designation:- Project Assistant
Number of Vacancies:- 1
Pay Recommended (Rs.):- 20000
HRA Required (Rs.):- Rs. 3200
Medical Required (Rs.):- 1250
Total Amount (Rs.):- 24450
Duration of Appointment in months:- 11
Qualifications:– MSc degree in Life Science/Biotechnology or Allied subjects with prior hands on experience in Plant Molecular Biology.
How to apply :-
Candidates will have to appear in the Online Interview. Eligible candidates must send an application with covering letter, CV (with biodata and photo) giving details of all educational qualifications, experience, contact address, phone no., E-mail etc. The signed Covering letter, CV and the scanned copies of degree certificates, marksheets and proof of Valid GATE/NET- JRF qualified certificate must be sent as a single PDF file by 5.00 pm, 30th July, 2023, to ls@iitg.ac.in.
The selection will be based on the performance of the candidate at the interview. Candidates will not be sent any call letter.
For any clarification, contact: Prof. Lingaraj Sahoo (Principal Investigator), Email: ls@iitg.ac.in, Telephone: 0361-2582204