ICAR – INDIAN VETERINARY RESEARCH INSTITUTE is inviting application for walk in interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow a per details given below:-
A walk in interview will be held for engagement of one (01) Junior Research Fellow (JRF) purely on temporary / contractual basis under Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (C.C.R.H.) funded project o Potential of Homeopath Drugs against Neonatal Calf Diarrhoea.
Duration of the project : Up to December, 2023 or termination of the project whichever is earlier.
Essential Qualification : Post Graduate Degree in Basic Biological Science / Life Science or Bachelor / Post Graduate in Professional courses preferably in Veterinary Science / Animal Sciences & Allied from recognized Institute / University
selected through a) National Eligibility Test CSIR-UGC NET / GATE or b) National level Exam conducted by
Central Gov. /Allied Agencies / Institutions viz. DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISC, IISER etc.

Desirable Experience : Having evidence of experience in animal health management, haemato-biochemical techniques and
knowledge in computer data management.
Age Limit : Maximum 30 years as on date of interview (Age relaxation as per GOI norms).
Emoluments : @Rs 31,000 per month + 4960 (16%HRA) = Rs. 35,960 monthly as per CCRH guidelines.
Contact person Dr D B Mondal, Principal Scientist & PI (CCRH NCD Project), Division of Medicine, ICAR IVRI, Izatnagar
Candidates are advised to submit scan copies of his / her full bio-data duly affixed recent passport size photograph along with testimonials/experience etc. with E-mail ID to PI by post or by E-mail on deba.mondal@icar.gov.in latest by 07- 05-2023. However, the original documents will be required at the time of interview/before joining.
Eligible candidates may be asked for walk-in-interview on 12-05-2023 at 10.30 AM. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending interview. For more details candidates may visit institute website: www.ivri.nic.in