IISER Kolkata is inviting applications for Summer Research Programme 2023 from eligible and interested candidates to provide B.Sc., M.Sc., B.S., M.S., B.Tech., and B.E. students of Institutions or Universities across the world an opportunity of exposure to a research environment. The complete details is as mentioned below:-
IISER-K Summer Student Research Programme 2023
To provide B.Sc., M.Sc., B.S., M.S., B.Tech., and B.E. students of Institutions or Universities across the world an opportunity of exposure to a research environment by associating them with one of the Research Groups of IISER during the summer vacation.
Salient Points
(a) IISER Kolkata will run an online summer research program for 2023.
(b) Students may also work in an offline mode if permitted by project supervisor provided they arrange their own accommodation.
(c) IISER Kolkata hostel accommodation will not be available for offline summer students.
(d) IISER Kolkata will not provide any fellowship for the Summer Research Programme 2023.
(e) Any student who decides to join the project should agree to devote at least 5 to 6 hours a day for the project work for 60 days.
(f) Upon completion of the internship, the student needs to submit the project report to the supervisor and if the supervisor approves the summer project report, then the student will be provided a certificate.
(g) The certificate will be sent via email.
You may select maximum two faculty members in order of your preference in the application form. Please click here to see interested faculty members for guiding summer interns via online mode

Important Dates
Application portal opens: 24th March 2023.
Application portal closes: 10th April, 2023 at midnight.
Publication of list of selected candidates: 17th April, 2023.
Duration of the programme: 16th May – 15th July, 2023. (60 days in this time frame)
For any queries on submission of online applications please write to summer.research@iiserkol.ac.in