Gauhati University is inviting application from interested and eligible for the post mentioned below. Read the complete details before applying for the same.
Advertisement for the one position of “JRF (Junior Research Fellow)” in ANRF-SERB Funded Core Research Grant Project entitled “Deciphering microbial community utilization on microbes to mitigate drought stress in rice cultivation” for a duration of 3 years or till the completion of the proiect.

Applications are invited on plain paper from eligible candidates along with bio-data and copies of certificates in support of age, qualification and experience for the position.
Essential Qualification: Highly motivated candidates having Master’s degree in Botany / Microbiology/ Life Science / Biotechnology or in any other relevant subject related to Life Sciences with 55% marks can apply.
However candidates with NET (National Eligibility Test) qualification will be preferred.
Desirable qualification: Interested /having expertise in the area of microbial metagenomics and metabolomics will be Preferred.
Monthly Emoluments:
i) Rs. 37OOO/- + 16% HRA – For candidates with CSIR UGC NET including lectureship or GATE
ii) Rs. 25000/- + 16% HRA for others who do not fall under criteria (i) mentioned above or as per DST, Govt of lndia rules.
Send your application to “Dr. Niraj Agarwala, Deptt. of Botany, Gauhati University, Gopinath Bordoloi Nagar, 78LO14,Assam lndia” or Email your application to Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview.
Last date for submission of application 31/7/2024
Please note that No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing in the interview.