CSIR IICT is inviting applications for the post of Various Projects and their details may be seen below. Kindly read the notification carefully before applying.
[Council of Scientific & Industrial Research]
Hyderabad – 500 007
CSIR–IICT is going to conduct Walk-in-Interview for the following positions purely on a temporary basis at 09:30 AM on 29.09.2021, 30.09.2021 & 04.10.2021 respectively as per the schedule given below:

Post I
Name of the Post: Research Associate (P) / Senior Project Associate
No. of Posts: 01
Name of the Project: Repositioning fluoxetine and salmeterol for treatment of dengue infections – pre-clinical development & proof-of concept studies.
Date of Walk in Interview: 29.09.2021
Post II
Name of the Post: Project Associate-I
No. of Posts: 01
Name of the Project: Design, Development & Demonstration of decentralized ETP model for treatment of traditional handloom cluster waste water.
Date of Walk in Interview: 29.09.2021
Post III
Name of the Post: Project Associate-II
No. of Posts: 01
Name of the Project: Strategies to ameliorate neurodegenerative diseases: Mitochondria targeted agents for disease modifying role
Date of Walk in Interview: 29.09.2021
Post IV
Name of the Post: Project Associate-I
No. of Posts: 01
Name of the Project: Screening of 4 NCE’s
Date of Walk in Interview: 29.09.2021
How to Apply:
- Research Associate (P) / Senior Project Associate: 40
- Junior Research Fellow (P)/ Project Associate-I & II: 35
Note 1: The above age limits are relaxable for candidates of statutory groups (SC/ST/OBC) & PWD candidates as per Govt. of India/ CSIR instructions on the subject.
The selection will be on the basis of an Interview. The engagement will be purely on a temporary basis initially for a period of six months, which may be extended or curtailed depending on the duration of the sponsored project/satisfactory performance or conduct of the fellow, as the case, may be and does not entitle him/her for a permanent position in CSIR/IICT.
Eligible candidates may download the application form from the IICT website (www.iictindia.org) and appear for an Interview along with duly filled in application form supported by bio-data and one set of attested photocopies of certificates of educational qualification(s), age, experience, caste (in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates) and PWD certificate, latest passport size photograph. Candidates are required to bring all the original certificates for verification.
No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Note 2: Candidates should register their names for walk-in-interview between 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM on 29.09.2021, 30.09.2021 and 04.10.2021 respectively.
For Post I
Stipend: Rs. 45,000 plus HRA*
Essential Qualifications: MSc Microbiology with 4 years R& D experience
Desirable Qualifications: In vitro UV protection assay, flow cytometry
For Post II
Stipend: Rs. 31,000 plus HRA*
Essential Qualifications: MSc in Microbiology/ Environmental Sciences/ Biotechnology/ Life Sciences (or) B.Tech in Environmental Engineering.
Desirable Qualifications: MSc with 2 years experience in wastewater treatment (or)
M.Tech with 1-year experience in wastewater treatment are preferable.
For Post III
Stipend: Rs. 28,000 plus HRA*
Essential Qualifications: MSc in Microbiology with 2 yrs experience in Molecular Biology & Genetics.
For Post IV
Stipend: Rs. 25,000 consolidated
Essential Qualifications: MSc in Biotechnology.
Desirable Qualifications: MSc Biotechnology with 6 months experience in
Bioinformatics & Animal (Drosophila) genetics with 1 publication in international.
*Fellowship amount is applicable for candidates with NET/GATE or any other National Eligible Test(s) as per new CSIR guidelines. If suitable candidates are not available, the fellowship amount will be 25,000+HRA.
For more details please visit the official website:- https://www.iict.res.in/
Jai Hind