Ahmedabad University is inviting applications from prospective candidates for Summer internship as per the details provided below. Read the complete details before applying
Ahmedabad University is a private research university established in 2009 which offers broad-based and intensive undergraduate programmes along with strong research-oriented graduate programmes. We currently have four Schools — Amrut Mody School of Management, School of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering and Applied Science, and School of Public Health. We offer Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees in Business Administration, Commerce, Arts, Sciences, and Technology.
Ahmedabad University has launched a Summer Internship Programme to bring highly qualified and motivated students from diverse backgrounds to work on research projects over the summer with the faculty of the University.

Internships are open for students who:
- are enrolled as Bachelors/Masters students in a full-time degree Programme in recognised Universities/Institutions in India or abroad
- have demonstrated good academic performance
Note: The students who have appeared in the final exam or have just completed their Bachelors/Masters programme may also apply for the internship. The duration of the internship will be 4-8 weeks, depending on the project
Unique aspects of the Ahmedabad University Summer Internship Programme
- Opportunity to work with active researchers on projects
- Free accommodation (at University Student Residences)
- The University will provide Sleeper Class return train fare (between their origin city and Ahmedabad)
- The interns will get a certificate of internship after successful completion of the Programme
List of Research Projects
Project Name: Thermal Biology of a Cold Specialist
Project Description: Cold adaptations in insects include freeze tolerance and handling dry air. This project involves the thermal biology of a cold specialist. The project is around within-population variation for cold tolerance in a cold-adapted drosophilid.
Work Expected of the Student: Handling fruit-fly strains and doing thermal assays
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 1, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Subhash Rajpurohit, Associate Professor, School of Arts and Sciences
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Impact of Genetic Background on Pigmentation Patterns
Project Description: Pigmentation is a crucial component of insect cuticle. Recent work suggests that pigmentation makes cuticle impermeable and help insects conserve water. This project is around phenotyping various populations for their body pigmentation.
Work Expected of the Student: Handling fruit-fly strains and measuring pigmentation
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Bachelors
Project Start-date: May 1, 2024
Project End-date: May 31, 2024
Faculty: Subhash Rajpurohit, Associate Professor, School of Arts and Sciences
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Clean Water Project – Sustainable Wastewater Treatment
Project Description: This project will be focused on implementing various sustainable wastewater treatment strategies to remove emerging and persistent organic contaminants from water/wastewater systems. The student will get hands-on training in experimentation and analyses of samples and will work towards achieving wastewater treatment. It will include advanced oxidation processes and electrochemical strategies whereby the student will understand the science behind these processes and also experiment to find out the most sustainable strategy. Overall, this project aims to ensure the purification and conservation of water resources by treatment and reuse.
Work Expected of the Student: Understand various strategies of water treatment and perform experiments to achieve removal of persistent organic pollutants that are emerging in nature. In addition, the student is expected to interpret the results and arrive at conclusions.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 7, 2024
Project End-date: June 29, 2024
Faculty: Ramya Srinivasan, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Youth Migration and Education in India
Project Description: Migration theory in the previous decade has almost exclusively theorised international migration. This scholarship has insightfully explored the geopolitical and economic structuring of im/mobilities and the contradictions of incorporation. Though much of this has been of labor migration, recent scholarship has also studied education migration including return migration. In this brief project, I plan to explore how insights from transnational migration can be used for framing the internal migration of youth for education in India.
Work Expected of the Student: Literature review
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 31, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Leya Mathew, Assistant Professor, School of Arts and Sciences
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Reproducing Indian History for Better Healthcare
Project Description: We would like to undertake preliminary research to explore how the genetic makeup of the Indian population can inform us on making better health and lifestyle choices. Specifically, we aim to develop novel inferential techniques that make use of the strict endogamy practised in India for thousands of years across language, culture, and social grids. We must take into account the several layers of substructure created by the Indian caste system to develop realistic population genetic models that can identify novel population-specific markers.
Work Expected of the Student: Evaluating various tools in R language
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 10, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Susanta Tewari, Assistant Professor, School of Arts and Sciences
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Preparation of India’s First Biennial Transparency Report (BTR-1) and Fourth National Communication
Project Description:
- Assess the state of urban climate adaptation strategies globally through extensive literature review
- Assess vulnerabilities impacts of extreme weather events (heatwaves/ urban heat island effect, floods, and storm) and vector borne diseases in the urban context
- Assess of city-level action plans related extreme weather events and vector borne diseases
- Determine parameters of climate adaptation with a focus on social equity to standardise reporting measures
- Recommend the way forward for accelerated climate adaptation in the urban sector
- Enhance capacity building on urban climate adaptation implementation and reporting
Work Expected of the Student: Literature Review and Data Compilation
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 15, 2024
Project End-date: July 26, 2024
Faculty: Darshini Mahadevia, Professor, School of Arts and Sciences
Project Name: Net Zero transport Plan for Rajkot City
Project Description: Net-zero urban transport in the situation of mobility poverty in the cities of India and the global South requires a low-carbon transport that offers enhanced mobility for segments of the population. The increased emissions will require sequestration at the city level through a land-use strategy. Hence, a net-zero transport strategy has to be embedded within the city-level planning efforts, including a spatial strategy through land use planning and a transport plan integrated with the land use plan. The proposal we put forward is based on this approach. This proposal is for an ‘Inclusive Net-Zero Transport Plan for Surat’ and will be referred to as ‘INSTANZ.’ We propose to create three scenarios: Business as Usual (BAU), Technology Scenario of Net-Zero Emissions, and Inclusive Net-Zero Emissions Scenario for years 2030, 2040, and 2050.
Work Expected of the Student: Literature review and coordinating field work
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 15, 2024
Project End-date: July 26, 2024
Faculty: Darshini Mahadevia, Professor, School of Arts and Sciences
Project Name: Experimental Plasma Physics – an interface between the probe sensors with the data acquisition system
Project Description: Understanding the energetic ions in the aurora borealis or the northern lights and controlling their energies are difficult as astrophysical measurements are rare. Laboratory double layers in expanding plasma can help to understand some of these astrophysical problems. The aim of this experimental plasma research is to study the formation of double layers and explore the possibilities to make the double layers stronger than predicted by the conventional plasma sheath theory.
Communication is important between the probe sensors with the data acquisition system for this experiment. Students under this summer project will get the opportunity to write code in the LabVIEW to make the interface with various equipment and measuring tools and store the data. Apart from using LabVIEW, students will get a chance to learn about the expanding radio-frequency plasma experiments and challenges to measure various plasma parameters including supersonic ion beam energy measurements.
Work Expected of the Student: Students are expected to write code in the LabVIEW to make the interface with various equipment and measuring tools and store the data.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Soumen Ghosh, Assistant Professor, School of Arts and Sciences
Project Name: Development of two-level atomic model based on the density-matrix formalism
Project Description: The aim of this project is to build a theoretical model for a two-level atom interacting with a light-field and a magnetic field. This will be done by first calculating the total Hamiltonian of the system which is the sum of unperturbed Hamiltonian, light-atom interaction Hamiltonian and magnetic field-atom interaction Hamiltonian, and then the time-evolution of the system will be found by solving the Liouville equation. A student will perform computational simulations based on the density-matrix formalism using the Mathematica software.
Density matrix approach is used to describe an ensemble of quantum systems which is not in a fully coherent state. For example, the atoms in a vapour cell constitute an ensemble, in which relaxation processes such as collisions and spontaneous emission create decoherence among the atoms. Therefore, it is not possible to describe such ensembles with a single wave function as the wave function of every atom will be different. However, the average properties of atoms in the ensemble can be found by using the density matrix.
Work Expected of the Student: Student expected to read the relevant literature and write a programming code based on the atomic density matrix analysis.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Raghwinder Singh, Assistant Professor, School of Arts and Sciences
Project Name: Why are some dwarf galaxies still forming stars?
Project Description: Star-forming dwarf galaxies in the nearby Universe are excellent laboratories to inspect the key processes involved in star formation events in the early Universe and to decipher the physical processes behind star formation at sub-kiloparsec and kiloparsec scales. Dwarf galaxies have shallow gravitational potential and low metal content, which are not the most conducive environment to support star formation. So, why are some of the dwarf galaxies still forming stars? During the summer project, the intern will try to address this question. The candidate will get exposure to topics like extragalactic star formation, star formation indicators, and galaxy evolution. The intern will pick up skills related to multi-wavelength (photometric) data analysis of local volume galaxies, various python tools, and an exposure to relevant astronomical data repositories.
Work Expected of the Student: The intern will analyse high-resolution images of a few galaxies observed using the UVIT/AstroSat, and other multiwavelength data from space-based and ground-based telescopes, carry out literature surveys, and work in collaboration with the Astronomy & Astrophysics group members on this project. The candidate is expected to have good familiarity with Python programming, a good foundation in core physics areas (e.g. electromagnetic theory, thermodynamics, classical mechanics), good communication skills, and must be open to learning new skills.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 16, 2024
Faculty: Samyaday Choudhury, Assistant Professor, School of Arts and Sciences
Project Name: Pedestrian-Driver Interaction
Project Description: The project is looking at the crossing behaviour of Indian pedestrians and their interactions with the drivers (if any). This study is a first step to create a better interface between the future smart vehicles and the pedestrians.
Work Expected of the Student: Knowledge of computer vision, bounding boxes and labelling, data visualisation and analysis.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: June 1, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Maryam Kaveshgar, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Project Name: Phononic Frequency Combs
Project Description: Frequency combs represent a spectrum of equidistant frequencies and have revolutionised optical frequency metrology and laser spectroscopy (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2005). While the idea of frequency combs has now been a commonplace in optics and photonics, it was only in 2017 when I discovered its mechanical analogue as a PhD student at the University of Cambridge. I referred to this new mechanical phenomenon as “phononic frequency combs”.
The concept of phononic combs can extend the application space of frequency combs into mechanical, material and molecular sciences. The emergence of phononic combs is mediated by nonlinear modal coupling. While nonlinearity is essential for comb generation, the linear mechanical resonators have been proven to host phonon modes of high-quality factor (Q) and low-phase noise. Hence, it is a design challenge to engineer phononic frequency combs with low-phase noise and high-frequency stability.
My collaborative research with Prof. Richard Norte’s group at TU Delft provided a workaround for this challenge. By coupling a linear silicon nitride trampoline into an optical trap, we managed to excite phononic frequency combs through optomechanical coupling. Despite this, the number of teeth in a frequency comb has still been limited to ~10-30. Hence, we have now moved on to using active-cavities offering optical gain for generating broadband phononic combs. While we already have a good number of experimental observations, a rigorous theoretical model is still under development. The summer intern is supposed to systematically develop a theoretical model for the generation of phononic frequency combs via active-cavities.
Work Expected of the Student:
- Mathematical Modelling of Phononic Frequency Combs
- Numerical Modelling of Phononic Frequency Combs in MATLAB
- Designing Phononic Frequency Comb Devices in COMSOL
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Adarsh Ganesan, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Design and Development of RF and microwave components
Project Description: This project includes the design, analysis, fabrication and measurement of various Microwave Integrated Circuits (ICs) such as; Low noise amplifiers, Power amplifiers, Active and passive mixers, Voltage controlled oscillators, Tunable filters, Attenuators, Isolators, Couplers, Phase shifters, and more at sub-systems and systems level for various applications including Space and Defence. Interested students will be motivated to work on any of the ICs from the mentioned list under supervision. Available Research Facility: 2-port VNA by Keysight (model E5063A) which operates in the frequency range from 100KHz to 14GHz, spectrum analyzers, signal generators, high sampling rate digital oscilloscopes, data acquisition systems, full-fledged fabrication facility, rapid prototyping and more. Furthermore, Ahmedabad University has an MOU with SAC, ISRO which leads to impactful research in the field of RF, Microwave and Antennas.
Work Expected of the Student: Design, Simulation, Analysis
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Bachelors
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Sanket Patel, Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Planar antenna array
Project Description: This project includes the design, analysis, fabrication and measurement of antenna arrays. This includes proposing novel topologies in designing planar low-profile antennas, antenna arrays, reconfigurable antennas, adaptive antenna arrays, and novel feed networks. Interested students will be motivated to work on any topic from the mentioned list under supervision. Available Research Facility: 2-port VNA by Keysight (model E5063A) which operates in the frequency range from 100KHz to 14GHz, spectrum analysers, signal generators, high sampling rate digital oscilloscopes, data acquisition systems, full-fledged fabrication facility, rapid prototyping and more. Furthermore, Ahmedabad University has an MOU with SAC, ISRO which leads to impactful research in the field of RF, Microwave and Antennas.
Work Expected of the Student: Design, Simulation, Analysis
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Bachelors
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Sanket Patel, Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Metamaterial based components
Project Description: This project includes the design, analysis, fabrication and measurement of metamaterial-based components; including microwave ICs, antennas, frequency-selective surfaces, microwave absorbers, and more. Interested students will be motivated to work on any topic from the mentioned list under supervision. Available Research Facility: 2-port VNA by Keysight (model E5063A) which operates in the frequency range from 100KHz to 14GHz, spectrum analysers, signal generators, high sampling rate digital oscilloscopes, data acquisition systems, full-fledged fabrication facility, rapid prototyping and more. Furthermore, Ahmedabad University has an MOU with SAC, ISRO which leads to impactful research in the field of RF, Microwave and Antennas.
Work Expected of the Student: Design, Simulation, Analysis
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Bachelors
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Sanket Patel, Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Microwave material characterisation
Project Description: This project includes the development of a testbed setup and further analysis and measurements to characterize the materials under test. Various properties like absorbance, shielding, transmission, reflection, isolation, etc can be measured. Using the same, the constituent parameters and relevant properties of the material under test can be determined. The test bed setup can made to perform the free space measurements or in-waveguide measurements for microwave material characterization. Available Research Facility: 2-port VNA by Keysight (model E5063A) which operates in the frequency range from 100KHz to 14GHz, spectrum analyzers, signal generators, high sampling rate digital oscilloscopes, data acquisition systems, full-fledged fabrication facility, rapid prototyping and more. Furthermore, Ahmedabad University has an MOU with SAC, ISRO which leads to impactful research in the field of RF, Microwave and Antennas.
Work Expected of the Student: Design, Simulation, Analysis
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Bachelors
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Sanket Patel, Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Machine learning based design of pattern reconfigurable antennas and other RF & microwave components
Project Description: This project includes the design, analysis, fabrication and measurement of pattern reconfigurable antennas and other RF & microwave components; including microwave ICs, frequency-selective surfaces, microwave absorbers, filters, and more. Interested students will be motivated to work on any topic from the mentioned list under supervision. Available Research Facility: 2-port VNA by Keysight (model E5063A) which operates in the frequency range from 100KHz to 14GHz, spectrum analysers, signal generators, high sampling rate digital oscilloscopes, data acquisition systems, full-fledged fabrication facility, rapid prototyping and more. Furthermore, Ahmedabad University has an MOU with SAC, ISRO which leads to impactful research in the field of RF, Microwave and Antennas.
Work Expected of the Student: Design, Simulation, Analysis
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Bachelors
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Sanket Patel, Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Global oil price pass-through and Optimal Monetary Policy in India
Project Description: The role of monetary policy in the transmission of global oil price shocks to real economy is well recognised in the economics literature. The incomplete pass-through of global oil price shocks into the domestic oil prices along with its structural origins is, however, not explored enough. In the context of Indian economy, this research project will examine the interaction between these pass-through frictions and optimal monetary policy action. To begin with, it will estimate the magnitude of the pass-through of the global oil price shocks into domestic oil prices in India and look at its cyclical properties, i.e., the direction of the pass-through during different phases of economic growth. Due to short period of the internship, the aim is limited to empirical analysis. However, the project can be extended if the student shows enough interest and dedication.
Work Expected of the Student: Carry out empirical analysis which will include data collection, data analysis using regression techniques like VAR, PVAR etc. and other time series techniques, and present results in the form of tables and graphs. To conduct the empirical analysis, student will need to develop a sound understanding of the necessary theoretical concepts. Therefore, some time will be devoted towards learning these concepts.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Rahul Rao, Assistant Professor, Amrut Mody School of Management
Project Name: Cataloguing Arabic Archival Sources in Ahmedabad
Project Description: The project aims to assess existing archives in the city of Ahmedabad. It specifically seeks to catalogue Arabic, Urdu, and Persian manuscripts. Two key institutes have been identified for this study – BJ Institute of Learning and Research and Hazrat Pir Mohammad Shah Library. Part of the project is also to explore more centres and institutions within Ahmedabad that might have similar manuscripts and relevant documents in these languages. Cataloguing will involve transliteration, translation, and annotation. They will be classified thematically, and on the basis of their origins. The first page of each manuscript will be scanned to provide better information on the manuscript. Given the severe lack of engagement with Arabic sources in India, this project will be a step forward to unlock a wide range of perspectives for historians, anthropologists, and philologists. The project further enhances ongoing dialogues from Ahmedabad University within the larger Indian Ocean littoral studies.
Work Expected of the Student: The student must be well versed in any three languages from the following: English, Arabic, Urdu, Persian. The student must also have a minimum experience of having visited archives for academic purposes.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Safwan Amir, Assistant Professor, School of Arts and Sciences
Project Name: Applied DevOps in Business Management Systems
Project Description: The project is aimed at developing an all-encompassing software solution designed to revolutionise how businesses manage their operations. Our platform will provide a comprehensive suite of tools and features to address the diverse needs of businesses across various industries.
At its core, the platform will incorporate essential functionalities such as Appointment Booking System, Cataloging of Services and Products, Point of Sale (POS) Billing, Data Analysis and Reporting, Staff Resource Management, Monthly Expenses Tracker, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Feedback and Review System, Loyalty Program Integration, Multi-Location/Branch Support, and Mobile Payment Integration.
Through the strategic application of DevOps principles, our goal is to optimise the entire software development lifecycle, from initial concept to deployment and beyond. By fostering collaboration and automation between development and operations teams, we aim to accelerate the delivery of features, improve the overall quality of the platform, and enhance its scalability to meet the growing demands of our users.
Interns participating in this project will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a dynamic and fast-paced environment, where they will play a vital role in the development and enhancement of our business management platform. They will gain hands-on experience in various aspects of software development. Furthermore, interns will have the chance to learn and apply DevOps practices, such as continuous integration, continuous deployment, and infrastructure as code, under the guidance of experienced mentors. Through collaborative teamwork and knowledge sharing, interns will acquire invaluable skills that will serve them well in their future careers in software development.
Work Expected of the Student: The following are the key responsibilities and tasks expected of the students:
- Feature Development: Collaborate with the development team to design, implement, and test new features and modules of the platform. This involves writing clean, efficient code and ensuring compatibility with existing functionalities.
- Testing and Debugging: Conduct thorough testing of the platform to identify and resolve any bugs or issues. This includes writing and executing test cases, performing regression testing, and working closely with the quality assurance team to ensure high product quality.
- User Experience Enhancement: Analyse user feedback and data to identify areas for improvement in the platform’s user experience. Propose and implement enhancements or optimisations to enhance usability and user satisfaction.
- DevOps Practices: Learn and apply DevOps practices such as continuous integration, continuous deployment, and infrastructure as code. Assist in setting up and maintaining automated build, test, and deployment pipelines to streamline the development process.
- Documentation and Knowledge Sharing: Contribute to the documentation of code, processes, and best practices. Share knowledge and insights gained during the internship with the team through regular meetings, presentations, or documentation updates.
- Collaboration and Communication: Work collaboratively with cross-functional teams, including developers, designers, testers, and product managers, to ensure alignment on project goals and priorities. Communicate effectively with team members to provide updates, seek feedback, and resolve issues.
- Professional Development: Take initiative in learning new technologies, tools, and methodologies relevant to the project. Seek guidance and mentorship from experienced team members to enhance technical skills and expand knowledge in software development and DevOps.
Overall, we expect interns to demonstrate a strong commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and a proactive approach to problem-solving.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Bachelors
Project Start-date: May 13, 2024
Project End-date: July 7, 2024
Faculty: Dhaval Patel, Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Project Name: Design of Dashboard for 5G Intelligent Transportation System Testbed in Gujarat
Project Description: The project focuses on the development of an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) dashboard tailored for managing data acquired from On-Board Units (OBUs) and Road Side Units (RSUs) within a Connected Vehicle-to-Everything (CV2X) testbed environment. The testbed, already implemented, serves as a foundational infrastructure for data acquisition and experimentation.
Central to this initiative is the creation of a comprehensive dashboard interface that seamlessly integrates with the existing testbed infrastructure. The dashboard will facilitate real-time data visualisation, performance evaluation, and analytics, enabling stakeholders to derive actionable insights from the collected data.
Interns will play a critical role in the development process, tasked with designing and implementing the dashboard’s frontend and backend components. Leveraging their skills in software development and user interface design, interns will collaborate closely with the project team to ensure the dashboard meets the requirements of stakeholders and end-users. Interns will specifically work on integrating the dashboard with the Cohda Mk6 Software Development Kit (SDK) to enhance data synchronisation and analysis capabilities.
This project offers interns a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in dashboard development within the context of a real-world ITS environment, with a focus on SDK integration. Through their contributions, interns will directly impact the advancement of transportation technology and contribute to the development of more efficient and interconnected mobility solutions.
We invite motivated individuals with a passion for software development and transportation technology to join us in this exciting endeavor. Together, we will drive innovation and shape the future of Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Work Expected of the Student: As an intern on our project, you will be entrusted with critical responsibilities essential for the successful development and integration of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) dashboard. Your tasks will include:
- Frontend and Backend Development: Designing and implementing frontend and backend components of the dashboard interface. This entails creating intuitive user interfaces and robust backend systems to facilitate seamless data management and visualisation.
- SDK Integration: Collaborating closely with the project team to integrate the dashboard with the Cohda Mk6 Software Development Kit (SDK). This integration is crucial for enhancing data synchronisation and analysis capabilities, enabling the dashboard to leverage the full potential of the SDK.
- Requirement Analysis: Conducting thorough analyses of stakeholder requirements and end-user needs to ensure that the dashboard meets all functional and usability criteria. You will play a key role in translating these requirements into actionable design and development tasks.
- Testing and Debugging: Participating in testing and debugging activities to identify and resolve any issues or inconsistencies in the dashboard functionality. This will involve conducting comprehensive testing procedures to ensure the reliability and performance of the dashboard under various conditions.
- Documentation: Documenting the development process, including design decisions, implementation details, and testing outcomes. Clear and comprehensive documentation is essential for ensuring the reproducibility and maintainability of the dashboard codebase.
- Collaboration and Communication: Actively collaborating with other team members and stakeholders to share progress updates, seek feedback, and address any challenges or roadblocks encountered during the development process. Effective communication is essential for maintaining project momentum and achieving project goals.
Overall, we expect interns to demonstrate a strong commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and a proactive approach to problem-solving. Your contributions will be instrumental in advancing the project objectives and shaping the future of Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Bachelors
Project Start-date: May 13, 2024
Project End-date: July 7, 2024
Faculty: Dhaval Patel, Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Project Name: Decoding the effect of Salmonella pathogenic factors SipA on mitochondrial dynamics
Project Description: SipA is a pathogenic factor secreted by the Salmonella bacteria in host cells. SipA has been shown to interfere with host cell mitochondrial dynamics by delaying mitochondrial fission. However, the mechanistic details of the effect of SipA on mitochondrial fission are not understood. As part of this internship project, the student will perform molecular cloning of SipA in a mammalian expression vector and then observe the effect of SipA expression on mitochondrial dynamics in live cells using fluorescence microscopy.
Work Expected of the Student: As part of the internship, the student will learn molecular cloning techniques that they will use to clone SipA in a mammalian expression vector. They will also learn live cell imaging of mitochondria in mammalian cells using live cell microscopy.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Bachelors
Project Start-date: May 15, 2024
Project End-date: July 15, 2024
Faculty: Ashim Rai, Assistant Professor, School of Arts and Sciences
Project Name: History of Ports and Railways of Gujarat
Project Description: This project is to chronicle the history of the development of ports and railways of Gujarat from the perspective of business history and the history of infrastructural / technological development of the State
Work Expected of the Student: The student will be expected to do both primary and secondary research based on archival information. There will be some amount of traveling that might be involved, based on the student’s profile and willingness.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 10, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Tana Trivedi, Lecturer, Amrut Mody School of Management
Project Name: Improving build characteristics in 3D printing
Project Description: The quality of build obtained from 3D printing, such as fused deposition modeling and wire-arc additive manufacturing, is poor in certain directions due to the inherent nature of layer-upon-layer deposition. Although these can be controlled to some extent through process parameters optimisation, there is much scope for improvement. This project welcomes implementing out-of-the-box ideas to overcome directional property limitations in 3D printing.
Work Expected of the Student: Learning and carrying out experiments; Recording day-to-day progress; Reading and reviewing relevant literature; Working in groups with other students, seniors, and staff.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Bachelors
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Shuja Ahmed, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Changing Dynamics of Digital Marketing with the Rise of Artificial Intelligence
Project Description: There is an evident rise in the use of AI technologies in all spheres of work and business and the integration of AI is changing (digital) marketing in many ways. From content creation to communication automation and customer service follow ups, new tools and techniques evolve every day. The struggle to visualise DM and AI under one umbrella is real, it is the need of the hour for companies, marketing agencies as well as academic researchers.
Work Expected of the Student: The student will be expected to:
- Do a literature review on the past, the latest and the emerging on DM and how the environment is changing with the advent of AI. In each of the parameters of DM, where does A I fit in and how does it make life easier or more difficult for companies / marketers and marketing agencies?
- Depending on time availability, Interact with company representatives to understand from them on how are they incorporating AI in their marketing strategies.
- Develop/compile and document case situations of brands, businesses and companies that are using A I for marketing purposes.
- Compile and put together the findings in a detailed monographic document.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 25, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Bijal Mehta, Associate Professor, Amrut Mody School of Management
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Syntheis of Si/Metal oxide composite for Supercapacitor applications
Project Description: This study focuses on the synthesis of Si/ Metal Oxide composite electrodes intended for utilisation in energy storage applications. To confirm the formation of the composite material various characterisation techniques such as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The investigation aims to contribute to the development of an efficient electrode material, thus advancing energy storage technology for various applications.
Work Expected of the Student: Reading relevant literature and understanding; Learning and carrying out experiments; Optimisation; Teamwork
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Bachelors
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Sridhar Dalai, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Simulation and Energy analysis of the Chemical Engineering flow sheet by using Aspen plus and Aspen Energy Analyser.
Project Description: In this work, the design and energy analysis of a chemical plant as a case study will be investigated. Initially, a process flow diagram for the production of the plant will be designed using the Aspen Plus V10.0 simulating tool. In this study, the simulation of the flowsheet and optimisation of parameters to achieve the desired target are also investigated. In comparison to the traditional energy approach, pinch analysis as an energy integration technique saves more energy and reduces utility costs. Therefore, in the second part of this work, pinch analysis is applied using Aspen Energy Analyser for the developed process plant, and a base case heat exchanger network (HEN) is developed.
Work Expected of the Student: As part of the internship, the student will be able to understand the basics of Aspen Plus software, how to build a process flow diagram using Aspen software, Simulation and optimisation, and finally energy saving for process flow sheet using another simulation tool.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Bachelors
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Sridhar Dalai, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Porous carbon nanofibers derived from cotton textile waste for hydrogen storage
Project Description:
- Activated carbon nanofibers (ACNFs) will be synthesised from cotton textile waste.
- The hetero atoms and alkali metals such as Li and fluorine will be introduced to enhance the surface area and hydrogen adsorption capacity.
- The hydrogen storage capacity of carbon nanofibers will be tested in a custom-made Sievert apparatus operating up to 100 bar and at RT and 250 °C.
Work Expected of the Student: As part of Internship, the student will be able to read relevant literature and understand; Learn and carrying out experiments; perfoam the hydrogen storage experiments on synthesised material using seiverts appartus.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Sridhar Dalai, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Reduction and management of e-waste: Behavioural interventions to reduce the Intention-behaviour gap
Project Description: Human behaviour is complex, and promoting behaviour change requires a strong understanding of how people behave in different situations and contexts. Many people are concerned about global warming, climate change, and its impacts on the environment and sustainability, but very few are actively engaged in enough mitigating behaviour to limit the well-understood harm to the environment which could be attributed to structural barriers beyond the control of the individual or psychological barriers, such as beliefs, values, and social norms. The objectives of the study are:
- To study the reasons both ‘for’ or ‘against’ the adoption of e-waste reduction and management practices.
- To explore the impact of different factors like attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, on the ‘intentions to act’ and ‘behaviour’.
- To identify the impact of behavioural interventions in changing the behaviour.
- The study will be based on an experimental method of research.
Work Expected of the Student: Providing support for data collection
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 7, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Ekta Sharma, Associate Professor, Amrut Mody School of Management
Project Name: Behavioral interventions for building Solar powered energy-sustainable India
Project Description: The study will explore the patterns of the intention-behavior gap in solar energy adoption by households considering the contextual factors that shape the attitudes. Then, understanding the reasons for this gap and further, the intervention in terms of awareness & information sharing and modeling would be used in the experimental setting and the change in attitude would be measured.
Work Expected of the Student: Support for data collection and conducting of experiment
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 7, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Ekta Sharma, Associate Professor, Amrut Mody School of Management
Project Name: Examination of Heritage Materials
Project Description: This project is aimed at conducting examination of heritage / archaeological materials that includes inorganic and organic materials. Microscopic examination of object samples is a crucial aspect of art conservation and analysis, providing valuable insights into the composition, structure, , fabrication techniques and stability of the objects. The initial examination begins with a visual assessment of the object’s surface and structure. The collected samples are to be prepared for microscopic examination. This may involve embedding the sample in a resin or mounting it on a slide to stabilise it for analysis. In some cases, the sample may be cross-sectioned to reveal layering and stratigraphy. This includes recording observations, capturing images, annotating diagrams, and compiling data for characterising these samples. This project requires comprehensive literature search on chemical characterisation. This proposal considers factors such as ethical considerations, conservation principles, and the object’s aesthetic and historical value. The examination of heritage materials is a interdisciplinary process that combines scientific analysis, technical expertise, and contextual understanding to inform conservation decision-making and ensure the long-term preservation of cultural heritage.
Work Expected of the Student: Literature search, sample preparation, microscopy
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Masters
Project Start-date: May 6, 2024
Project End-date: June 28, 2024
Faculty: Aditya Prakash Kanth, Assistant Professor, Centre for Heritage Management
Link to article or webpage relevant to the topic of the project
Project Name: Analysis of Cathodic Reaction Process of SiCl4 during Si Electrodeposition in Ionic Liquids
Project Description: In this project, Students will get the work experience on quantum calculations. Silicon Tetrachloride molecule will be placed in Ionic Liquid medium. The interactions were studied using Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Approach. The outcome of this project will be helpful while designing battery material.
Work Expected of the Student: As part of the project, student will model the molecules in gaussian, run the simulation and analyse the results.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Bachelors
Project Start-date: May 1, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Dharamashi Rabari, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Project Name: Studying Interaction mechanism of drug molecule with target bio-molecule
Project Description: In this project, the interactions of several drug molecules and targeted biomolecule will be modelled in Gaussview software. The entire model will be simulated using ab-initio calculations. The outcome of this project will be helpful in forensic science applications.
Work Expected of the Student: Student has to literature review, to learn software and simulate the models. The student will analyse the simulation results.
Expected Qualification of the Student: Pursuing Bachelors
Project Start-date: May 1, 2024
Project End-date: June 30, 2024
Faculty: Dharamashi Rabari, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Date | Timeline |
Friday, March 22, 2024 | Application Portal Opens |
Tuesday, April 16, 2024 | Last date of submitting Applications |