The Regional Centre for Biotechnology is an autonomous institution of education, training and research established under the auspices of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and Department of Biotechnology. RCB is inviting applications for six-month research training from final year postgraduate science and B Tech/MTech students as per the details below.
Six-Month Research Training
July, 2024 – December, 2024
Applications are invited for six-month research training from final year postgraduate science and B.Tech/MTech students of Universities/ Institutions/ Colleges for the session commencing from July 2024 (July – December, 2024).
The application must be forwarded by the Head of Department stating that dissertation is a requirement for completion of his/her ongoing MSc programme.
Please note that RCB does not provide any accommodation to the trainees. The students are expected to make their own accommodation arrangements for the entire period of the training. It is mandatory for trainees to attend the training for the entire duration of six months.
Selected candidates will undergo training under the supervision of members of RCB faculty. The scientists at the centre work in multiple disciplines at the expansive interface of life sciences and biotechnology. The details of the research work carried out at RCB can be seen on the website

Requirement for online application:
1. Your curriculum vitae (CV)
2. A forward/recommendation letter from the Head of the Department
3. A brief description (750 words) of your research interest
Interested candidates should apply online by March 30, 2024.
Please note that applications will be considered only through the online mode.