Recruitment for the post of Microbiologist, Medical Technologists is as given below. The posts are notified under the Government of West Bengal. Please read the complete notification before applying.
Govt. of West Bengal
Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health
Dist. Health & F.W. Samiti, Dakshin Dinajpur
Memo No. DHFWS/1390
Name of the Position: Medical Microbiologist
No. of Posts: 01
Age limit: Not less than 18 years and not more than 40 years as on 01.01.2021
How to Apply:
On-line application is welcomed to the web site from the eligible candidates for engagement of different categories for the functioning of RT- PCR Labs for COVID-19 testing which will be established at Balurghat District Hospital, Dakshin Dinajpur on a total contract basis for initially 03 (three) months from the date of joining which may be extended after approval of the competent authority and also satisfactory performance.
The link to the online application will certainly be open from 21/06/2021 to 05/07/2021 up to 11.59 pm.
The applicants must send their printout of filled up online application (displaying online generated registration number) as well as a self-attested copy of all testimonials in an envelope superscript with the name of the post [” Application for the post of ____________”] with application fee in form of Demand Draft of Rs. 100.00 for unreserved category and also Rs. 50.00 for reserved categories in favour of District Health & Family Welfare Samiti, Dakshin Dinajpur payable at Balurghat at the office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Balurghat, Dakshin Dinajpur Pin-733101 with Registry or Speed Post only within 13/07/2021 up to 5.00 pm. Department will certainly not be responsible for postal delay. Incomplete application and also submission of insufficient documents will certainly not be entertained.
Important Points:
- The above posts are purely contractual basis initially for 03 (3) months which may be renewed based on satisfactory performance.
- Age relaxed according to Government norms.
- In the case of an experience certificate, the period of experience must be clearly mentioned. Experience certificate must consist of the name of the post, Employee’s name, date of joining as well as period of service, otherwise, the experience certifications will certainly be treated as invalid. An engagement letter or any other will certainly not be treated as experience certification.
- One candidate may make an application for multiple posts if s/he is eligible.
- Failure to submit/ mismatch of documents/ providing false info of any kind of requisite documents is liable to cancellation of candidature.
- No TA/ DA will certainly be paid to the candidates for the interview.
- Only list applicants will certainly be called for the interview.
- Authority reserves the right to cancel all or any application without assigning any type of reason.
- The candidate at the end of his/ her application shall certify that the info provided by him/her is correct as well as any type of discrepancies found in future not only be the cause of the rejection of candidature however additionally will attract the legal provision.
- Any kind of corrigendum or addendum notification, date, time, venue of interview, shortlisting of the applicant or any other notification in this regard will be published on the following website:,
Consolidated Remuneration in Rs.: Rs. 40,000/-
Essential Qualification:
1st Class M.Sc. degree in Molecular Biology/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology OR 2nd Class M.Sc. degree with a PhD degree in Molecular Biology/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology / Microbiology from any recognised university with a minimum 01 (one) year working experience in any recognised RTPCR Laboratory.
Desirable Qualification:
Experienced researcher with research expertise in Molecular Biology, Disease Genomics, DNA sequencing, handling clinical samples Hemoglobinopathies, and Thalassaemia with relevant publication.

For more and Source:-
I have done my Bsc in biotechnology, is there any chance to get into this field. I love practical work.
Waiting for your response.
Thank you