NIAB- National institute of Animal Biotechnology which is an autonomous Institute of Dept. of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India is inviting applications for six moths training to carry out project work under the supervision of the Institute’s scientists. The complete details provided by NIAB may be seen below.
The Institute provides opportunities for outstanding students to carry out project work under the supervision of the Institute’s scientists towards partial fulfilment of their postgraduate degrees (of at least SIX months’ duration; Session II: July – December, 2023).
Students pursuing master’s degrees (e.g., MSc, MVSc, MS, MTech, and integrated M.Sc.) in any branch of life science are eligible to apply for this program.
The request must come from the Head of the Department and provide the academic resumes of the recommended student(s) specifying percentage marks obtained at various levels, the subjects covered, and the period of proposed project work. The selection will be based on the candidate’s expertise and NIAB research needs. The committee’s decision will be final and not subject to any legal issues. Applicants must mention their broad area of interest in the application form but distribution of Lab will be based on the requirement of individual PIs.

How to apply:-
Candidates must fill online application form at Candidates are advised to fill out the online application form in sufficient time before the last date to avoid last-minute technical issues. No need to send a hard copy. Interim enquiries will not be entertained.
Original documents in support of date of birth, educational qualifications, and experience certificate are required to be submitted at the time of joining. The Institute will not provide any accommodation at the campus. The trainee may make their arrangements for lodging, boarding, and travel during the work period.
No fixed numbers of trainees are available each year, but requests are considered based on available vacancies. The candidate must upload the recommendation of the Principal/ Institute Head/Head of the Department (below format) while submitting the ONLINE application.
Recommendation of the Principal/ Institute Head/Head of the Department
I recommend Mr./Ms. ___________________________________ for doing the Master’s Project of six months duration at the National Institute of Animal Biotechnology, Hyderabad and will provide official leave of absence for that.
Important dates:-
Applications are to be filled ONLINE.
Online application start date: May 5, 2023
Online application end date: June 5 , 2023
Only selected students will be informed by 15th June 2023.
Program duration: July 1 to December 30, 2023
Late applications will not be considered
Six month training program fee: Rs. =3,000/-
*Fee once paid will not be refunded