The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune is a premier institute dedicated to research and teaching in the basic sciences. It was established in 2006 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (renamed Ministry of Education in August 2020). In 2012, IISER Pune was declared as an Institute of National Importance by an Act of Parliament. Inviting application for the below mentioned post

Research Associate
Title of the Project “Exploring novel endogenous promoters and signal peptides of moss to drive target expression in Physcomitrellapatens under photo-bioreactor conditions”
Minimum educational Qualification Ph.D. in Biotechnology / Biology / Botany with expertise in plant molecular biology and plant transformation or related fields /
OR M.E / M.Tech. With 3 years of related research experience.
Preference Candidates with demonstrated experience in plant molecular biology, quantitative real-time PCR, CRISPR / CAS9 system, small RNA biology and NGS data analysis will be preferred.
Tenure of the appointment Initially for a period of one year extendable for further period subject to continuation of the project and satisfactory performance of the incumbent.
Consolidated emoluments per month रु. / Rs. 58,000/- + 24%