A Walk in interview is being conducted on 05.04.2023 at IISER Kolkata for the post of Research Associate-1. The details are as mentioned below:-
Applications are invited for the post of one Research Associate contractual position for a SERB sponsored research project “Understanding the anti-viral role of Ifit2 against murine βCoronavirus infection” in the multidisciplinary translational research field undertaken in the Department of Biological Sciences, IISER Kolkata.

Interested and eligible candidates are encouraged to be present for the walk-in interview on April 5th, 2023 11:30 AM onwards.
Project Name: Understanding the anti-viral role of Ifit2 against murine β-Coronavirus infection.
Position: Research Associate
No. of Vacancy: 1
Minimum Eligibility – Ph.D. degree holder in Biological Sciences or SRF waiting to submit the thesis.
Job Description- Executing the project which involves animal studies, Virus infection in-vitro primary neuroglial cells and in-vivo in mice, Tissue harvesting from mice, Isolation of neonatal primary neuroglial cells, RNA extraction, RT-PCR, Immuno-histochemistry, Immuno-fluorescence, Western blot, Data Curation and Data Analysis, Manuscript writing, helping PI to write research grants. Candidate should be interested to perform some in-silico molecular modeling and computational simulation to understand structure functional analysis.
Essential/desirable experience and/or expertise– Pro-efficient in logical thinking and independent execution of the project, good writing, and Oral English communication skills. Desirable- Emotionally stable, hardworking, smart, and dedicated to research.
Ph.D. degree holder in the area of computational sciences. A person from the area of computational biology is conversant with structure-function analysis, integration of experimental data, and analytics of large data sets.
Salary: 47,000+ 24% HRA (per month)
Applications enclosing attested copies of all testimonials/certificates and curriculum vitae should be sent to jdslab@iiserkol .ac.in before the walk-in interviews. No TA/DA is admissible for appearing in the interview.
Date of Interview: April 5th, 2023 11:30 AM onwards
Project start date: Will be notified via email to the selected candidates. The tenure of the post will be for 9-12 months.
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