Below we are here mentioning the details and requirements to apply for the concerned posts. Please read the complete notification before applying or the Job.

Applications are invited to attend Online Interview UPCAR and SERB funded projects at the Division of Genetics, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-12, as mentioned below. The posts are purely on a contractual basis.
Owing to the prevailing COVID-19 crisis, the qualified applicants are asked to send their application in the enclosed proforma along with a scanned copy of the original documents to the concerned PI’s e-mail addresses as given below latest by 25.06.2021. After screening the applications, only the eligible candidates will be informed about the details of the online interview (Date and Time) by email. Original documents will certainly be verified at the time of appointment. If any candidate is found to have actually submitted false claims at a later stage, their candidature will be summarily rejected.
Post I
Position Title: Senior Research Fellow
Positions: (01)
Name of the Project: Genetic improvement of Kalanamak for productivity traits, biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, aroma nutritional quality -UPCAR funded
Name of the PI: Dr Haritha Bollinedi (Email ID:
Post II
Position Title: Junior Research Fellow
Positions: (01)
Name of the Project: Improvement of micronutrient bioavailability and storability of mega Basmati rice variety, Pusa Basmati 1121- SERB funded
Name of the PI: Dr Haritha Bollinedi (Email ID:
For Post I
Salary: Rs. 31,000/- plus 24 percent HRA (fixed)
Essential Qualifications:
Master degree in Genetics/Plant Breeding/Genetics as well as Plant Breeding/ Biotechnology/ Life Sciences subject with 4years/ 5 years of Bachelor’s Degree. Candidates having Post-graduate degree in Basic Sciences with 3 years Bachelor’s degree and also 2 years. A Master’s degree should have NET qualifications. (As per ICAR Office Memorandum No. F. No. Ag. Edn. 6/27/2014-HRD, Dated 30th July, 2019).
Desirable Qualifications: Experience in molecular markers, field phenotyping as well as handling rice crop.
For Post II
Salary: Rs. 31,000/- plus 24 percent HRA (fixed)
Essential Qualifications:
Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science (i.e Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology/ Biochemistry/ Plant Science/ Life Sciences) OR Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course ( i.e. Genetics and also Plant Breeding/ Biotechnology/ Plant Pathology/ Bioinformatics) chosen through a process described via any type of one of the following:
a. Scholars who are selected via National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) as well as GATE.
b. The selection process via National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and also their Agencies as well as Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE. DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR. IIT, IISc, IISER etc. Candidates in the Category-II merit list of the DBT-BET exam can also apply. (Based on DST Office Memorandum No. SB/S9/Z -06/ 2019, Dated:23 -04 -2019).
Desirable Qualifications: Experience in molecular markers, field phenotyping as well as handling rice crop and also proficiency in bioinformatics tools.
Read the official Notification Below
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