Eligible & interested candidates are invited for ONLINE INTERVIEW (Through Microsoft Teams) for the following purely temporary position of Project Associate-II under the Project “Petrographic Study around 10 KM radius of Tata Steel BSL at Meramandli, Odisha (CNP-2671)” tenable at CSIR-NEERI Nagpur.
Name of the Post – Project Associate-II
No. of Posts – 01
Upper Age Limit – 35 years

How to Apply –
The last date of submission of the online application form is March 09, 2022.
Mode of Selection –
- Selection is to be done on the basis of online Interviews through MS Team. The date of the interview will be notified separately through e-mail.
- Application forms for a particular position can be filled out online which is available on the CSIRNEERI website (www.neeri.res.in).
- The above project position is purely on a contract basis for one year only and will be co-terminus with the project.
- Only those candidates who have completed the essential qualification & result has been
declared are eligible to apply. - The shortlisted applicants shall be required to appear for the interview through the MS team.
- The shortlisted candidates have to be available on the date of the Online Interview from 10.00 AM onwards and will be called anytime during the allocated time period (if any change is there, they will be accordingly intimated).
- Upon selection/empanelment, the original documents including eligibility qualifications, age and relaxation will be verified, if any discrepancy is found, the selection/ empanelment stands cancelled.
Essential Qualification –
- M.Sc. (Biotechnology/Microbiology/Environmental science) or Equivalent qualification and
- Two years experience in R&D in industrial and academic institutions or science and technology organizations and scientific activities and services.
Job Requirement –
- Experience & knowledge of field visits for data collection and analysis of soil and
water. - Research Experience in microbiological techniques, data analysis and experience in
report writing.
Monthly Remuneration –
- Rs. 35,000/- + HRA to Scholars who are selected through (a) National Eligibility
Tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A
selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government
Departments and their Agencies and Institutions. - Rs. 28,000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (1) above