Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB), an autonomous institute under the. Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and is inviting for Walk-in-interview as per the details below.
Advertisement No: CIAB/95/2024-Rectt.
Walk-in-Interview on 28-06-2024
Application format, details of the vacancies etc. can be downloaded from the institute website: www.ciab.res.inunder heading “Vacancies”.
Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB) is an autonomous national institute under Department of Biotechnology (Govt. of India). This futuristic innovation institute of its own kind in the country has a mission of advancing knowledge, leads and emerging technologies/processes relevant to agri-food sector towards applications and products. It aims to link them with societal benefits through catalysing/promoting entrepreneurial action around bioprocesses, bio-products, value-addition to bioproducts etc. with special reference to the agri- food sector. Currently, the four major mandated R&D areas in hand at the institute are (A) Value Addition to Primary Processing Residues/ Wastes for Edible Products; (B) Valorisation of Crop Waste for Speciality Products and Chemicals; (C) Nutritionals, nutraceuticals and upgradation of value or use of bio-products, (D) Biosynthetic technology/syntheticbiologyforlowvolume-highvalueproductsandindustrialenzymes.Tosupport and steer this mission, the institute requires following temporary research positions on stipendiary / fellowship basis:

Project Title: Lignin valorization via biomaterial development, depolymerization and green technology
Funding Agency: Department of Biotechnology (Govt. of India).
Duration: 3 years
Project Coordinator: Dr Jayeeta Bhaumik
Project Investigators: Dr. Jayeeta Bhaumik, Dr. Saswata Goswami, and Dr. Sasikumar Elumalai
(A)Work Area: Lignin valorization via biomaterial development.
- Junior Research Fellow – One position
Age limit– 28 Years for Junior Research Fellow
Fellowship – Rs. 37,000/- per month + (HRA as admissible or Hostel facility, if available)
(a) Tenure: One Year, extendable on annual basis for subsequent years subject to satisfactory progress,
institutional needs and financial provisions.
(b) Qualifications:
(i) Master’s degree from a recognized University/Institute: M.Sc. (Chemistry (any discipline) / Biotechnology/Microbiology or related field), M. Pharm / M.S. Pharm
(Biotechnology/Medicinal/Pharmaceutical/Process Chemistry), B.E./B.Tech./M.E. / M. Tech. (Biotechnology) or relevant discipline to the project title;
(ii) NET / GATE / any other relevant/equivalent nature of national level test qualified.
- Research Associate- 1 position
Age Limit: 35 years
Fellowship: 58,000/- per month + (HRA as admissible or Hostel facility, if available)
(a) Tenure: 1 year, extendable on an annual basis for a subsequent period subject to satisfactory progress, institutional needs, and financial provisions.
(b) Qualifications:
Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences / Biotechnology / Biological Science/ Pharmaceutical Science / Chemical Engineering from a recognized University / Institute and having at least one first-author research publication in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.
(c) Desired experience: Biomass valorization, nanotechnology, biomaterial development
(B)Work area: Value additive product development from lignin
- Junior Research Fellow – 1 position
Age limit– 28 Years for Junior Research Fellow
Fellowship – Rs. 37,000/- per month + (HRA as admissible or Hostel facility, if available)
(a) Tenure: One Year, extendable on annual basis for subsequent years subject to satisfactory progress, institutional needs, and financial provisions.
(b) Qualifications:
(i) M.Sc. in Microbiology/ Chemistry (any discipline) or Biotechnology or B.E/B,Tech./M.E./ M.Tech. in Pulp and Paper Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Biochemical Engineering / Environmental Engineering /Biotechnology from recognised University/ Institute / University
(ii) NET / GATE / CSIR/UGC or any other relevant/equivalent nature of test qualified. - Research Associate- 1 position
Age limit– 35 Years for Research Associate
Fellowship – Rs. 58,000/- per month + (HRA as admissible or Hostel facility, if available)
(a) Tenure – 1 year, extendable on an annual basis for a subsequent period subject to satisfactory progress, institutional needs, and financial provisions
(b) Qualifications:
Ph.D in Chemical Engineering / Biochemical Engineering / Environmental Engineering / Polymer and Process Engineering/ Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Biological Sciences/ Chemical Sciences from a recognized University / Institute and having at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.
M.E./ M.Tech. in Chemical Engineering / Biochemical Engineering / Environmental Engineering / Pulp and Paper Engineering/ Biotechnology from a recognized University/ Institute with three years experience in industry/research/teaching.
Desired Experience- Agro waste / Biomass valorization, Process development of biomaterial
(C)Work area: lignin depolymerization for aromatic bulk chemicals - Junior Research Fellow – 1 position
Age Limit: 28 years
Fellowship: 37,000/- per month + (HRA as admissible or Hostel facility, if available)
(a) Tenure: 1 year, extendable for a subsequent period subject to satisfactory progress, institutional needs, and financial provisions.
(b) Qualifications:
(i) Master’s degree from a recognized University/Institute: M.Sc. (Chemistry / Electrochemistry /
Microbiology or related field), M. Pharm / MS Pharm (Medicinal/Pharmaceutical Chemistry), M.E. / M.
Tech. (Chemical Engineering or Sciences) or relevant discipline to the project title;
(ii) NET / GATE / any other relevant/equivalent nature of national level test qualified. - Research Associate- 1 position
Age limit– 35 Years for Research Associate
Fellowship – Rs. 58,000/- per month + (HRA as admissible or Hostel facility, if available)
(a) Tenure: 1 year, extendable for a subsequent period subject to satisfactory progress, institutional needs, and financial provisions
(b) Qualifications:
Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences (Chemistry/Physical Chemistry/Electrochemistry)/Chemical Engineering from a recognized University / Institute and having at least one first-author research publication in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.