Keshav Singh

Keshav Singh is a Biotechnology Post Graduate with M.Tech in Biotechnology and is Founder of Biotech World India - The online Biotechnology Corner. Started in 2017, Biotech World India is a one stop corner for your daily Bio Updates.

ICGEB-Arturo Falaschi Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

ICGEB offers competitive Postdoctoral Fellowships in Life Sciences to highly motivated scientists wishing to pursue postdoctoral research in a world-class scientific environment. The Fellowships comprise a very competitive package including stipend, health insurance and additional benefits. The details are as below

Senior Project Associate position at ICMR-NIRRCH – Apply now

ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive and Child Health is inviting applications for the post of Senior Project Associate as per the details given below. Read the complete notification before applying

Student trainee position with stipend at NIPGR – Apply Now

Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the purely temporary position of one Student trainee under the Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) head of SERB project entitled “Evolutionary developmental (evo-devo) genetics study on stem cell fate and cell identity transition between diverse Brassica oleracea morphotypes”, of Dr. Prabhakaran Soundararajan, Scientist, NIPGR.