AIIMS New Delhi is inviting applications’ from eligible candidates for the Summer Internship in DST-SERB funded projects as per the details below
Application are invited from motivated and eligible candidates for post/program of summer Internship in Deptt. of preventive Oncology, BRA-IRCH, AIIMS
Advertisement for Summer Internship under SSR scheme of SERB
Applications are invited from motivated and eligible candidates for the Post/Program of Summer Internship in the Dept. of Preventive Oncology, BRAIRCH AIIMS New Delhi. This position is advertised under the SSR scheme of DST-SERB for its funded project.

Project title: Targeting multiple cancer antigens for cancer immunotherapy With a recombinant Mycobacterium based approach and its evaluation using mouse tumor model.
Principąl Investigator (PI): Dr. Pawan Kumar
The details of the advertised post are as given below:
Name of the Post/Program: Summer Internship
Fellowship:- 5000/- per month
How to apply: Interested candidates can apply by sending an updated CV (in the enclosed format) (see below) along with a research proposal (up to 300 words) by email to
Last date to apply: 06/ 04/ 2024.