IISER Kolkata summer internship 2025 – Apply Now

The IISER system was created by the then Ministry of Human Resource Development (now Ministry of Education) to achieve excellence in the basic sciences. It is currently inviting applications for summer internship as per the details below.


To provide B.Sc., M.Sc., B.S., M.S., B.Tech., and B.E. students of Institutions or Universities across the world an opportunity of exposure to a research environment by associating them with one of the Research Groups of IISER during the summer vacation.

Salient Points

a) IISER-K will run an offline summer research program for 2025.

b) IISER-K hostel accommodation will be available subject to availability and on chargeable basis.

c) IISER-K will not provide any fellowship for the Summer Research Programme 2025.

d) Any student who decides to join the project should agree to devote at least 5 to 6 hours a day for the project work for 60 days.

e) Upon completion of the internship, the student needs to submit the project report to the supervisor and if the supervisor approves the summer project report, then the student will be provided a certificate.

f) The certificate will be sent via email.

Terms and Conditions related to the Summer Research programme

(a) Any student who decides to join the project should agree to devote at least 5 to 6 hours a day for the project work for 60 days.

(b) Upon completion of the internship, the student needs to submit the project report to the supervisor and if the supervisor approves the summer project report, then the student will be provided a certificate.

Important dates

Application portal opens:28th February 2025.
Application portal closes:9th April, 2025 at midnight.
Publication of list of selected candidates:19th April, 2025.
Duration of the programme:19th May – 18th July, 2025. (60 days in this time frame)

Interested faculty members for Summer Research Programme 2025

  1. Dwaipayan Roy dwaipayan.roy@iiserkol.ac.in Computational and Data Sciences
  2. Kripabandhu Ghosh kripaghosh@iiserkol.ac.in Computational and Data Sciences
  3. Monidipa Das monidipa@iiserkol.ac.in Computational and Data Sciences
  4. Saptarshi Pyne spyne@iiserkol.ac.in Computational and Data Sciences
  5. Amirul Islam Mallick amallick@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  6. Anindita Bhadra abhadra@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  7. Annagiri Sumana sumana@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  8. Anuradha Bhat anuradhabhat@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  9. Babu Sudhamalla s.babu@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  10. Bidisha Sinha bidisha.sinha@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  11. Jayasri Das Sarma dassarmaj@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  12. Malancha Ta malancha.ta@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  13. Neelanjana Sengupta n.sengupta@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  14. Punyasloke Bhadury pbhadury@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  15. Radhika Venkatesan rv@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  16. Robert John Chandran robert.john@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  17. Rupak Datta rupakdatta@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  18. Sankar Maiti spm@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  19. Sreeramaiah N Gangappa ngsreeram@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  20. Sunil Kumar Khare skkhare@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  21. Supratim Datta supratim@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Biological Sciences
  22. Alakesh Bisai alakesh@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  23. Amitava Das amitava@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  24. Amlan Kusum Roy akroy@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  25. Arindam Mukherjee a.mukherjee@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  26. Ashwani Kumar Tiwari ashwani@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  27. Balaram Mukhopadhyay mbalaram@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  28. Biplab Maji bm@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  29. Debansu Chaudhuri dchaudhuri@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  30. Debasis Koley koley@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  31. Debasish Haldar deba_h76@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  32. Dibyendu Das dasd@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  33. Mousumi Das mousumi@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  34. Parna Gupta parna@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  35. Pradip Kumar Tarafdar tarafdar@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  36. Pradipta Purkayastha ppurkayastha@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  37. Prasun Kumar Mandal prasunchem@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  38. Priyadarsi De p_de@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  39. Raja Shunmugam sraja@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  40. Ratheesh K Vijayaraghavan ratheesh@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  41. Sangita Sen sangita.sen@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  42. Sanjio S. Zade sanjiozade@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  43. Sayam Sen Gupta sayam.sengupta@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  44. Sayan Bhattacharyya sayanb@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  45. Siuli Das siuli.das@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  46. Soumyajit Roy s.roy@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  47. Suman De Sarkar sds@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  48. Sumit Khanra sumit.khanra@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  49. Supratim Banerjee supratim.banerjee@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  50. Sureshkumar Devarajulu suresh@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  51. Susmita Roy susmita.roy@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  52. Swadhin Kumar Mandal swadhin.mandal@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  53. Venkataramanan Mahalingam mvenkat@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Chemical Sciences
  54. Kajaljyoti Borah kajal.borah@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Earth Sciences
  55. Kathakali Bhattacharyya kathakali@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Earth Sciences
  56. Prasanta Sanyal psanyal@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Earth Sciences
  57. Sanjay Kumar Mandal sanjaykm@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Earth Sciences
  58. Subhronil Mondal subhronil.m@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Earth Sciences
  59. Supriyo Mitra supriyomitra@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Earth Sciences
  60. Tapabrato Sarkar tapabrato@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Earth Sciences
  61. Tarun Kumar Dalai dalai@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Earth Sciences
  62. Anirban Banerjee anirban.banerjee@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  63. Koel Das koel.das@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  64. Subrata Shyam Roy ssroy@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  65. Sushil Gorai sushil.gorai@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  66. Amit Ghosal ghosal@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  67. Arindam Kundagrami arindam@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  68. Ayan Banerjee ayan@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  69. Bhavtosh Bansal bhavtosh@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  70. Chiranjib Mitra chiranjib@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  71. Dibyendu Nandi dnandi@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  72. Kamaraju Natarajan nkamaraju@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  73. Nirmalya Ghosh nghosh@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  74. Partha Mitra pmitra@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  75. Raghunath Ghara raghunath@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  76. Rajesh Kumble Nayak rajesh@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  77. Rangeet Bhattacharyya rangeet@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  78. Ritesh Kumar Singh ritesh.singh@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  79. Rumi De rumi.de@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  80. Satyabrata Raj raj@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  81. Soumitro Banerjee soumitro@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  82. Sourin Das sourin@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  83. Sudip Kumar Garain sgarain@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  84. Supratim Sengupta supratim.sen@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Physical Sciences
  85. Tushar Kanti Nandi tushar@iiserkol.ac.in Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

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